Maryland Lacrosse League – Rules of Play for 2025

Rules of Play are based on the 2025 NCAA Rules and Interpretations. All of their rules and interpretations apply unless they are specifically modified or clarified by these rules.

*No crease dives (2018 NCAA rules apply) feet must be grounded prior to the ball entering the goal.

* Restraining Area: The offensive attack area or “box” shall extend from sideline to sideline

*Facing Off: The new NCAA face-off mechanic will be used. Face-Off violations (false-start, etc.) will result in change-of-possession. if you commit a Faceoff violation, you cannot take next Faceoff.

* Goal-Crease Prohibitions: Players are not permitted to project themselves (“dive”) into the crease at any point during the act of shooting. These rules are strictly enforced for the protection of MLL goalies.

*Substitution: Substitutions must be on-the-fly. “One-off, one on” through the substitution box.

* Shot Clock: 30-second “shot clock” will be used in MLL games. At the official's discretion, they can call “shot clock on” then hit their 20-second timer and verbally count down the last 10 seconds. ‘Shot Clock’ will be used if the officials determine that the offensive team is not playing’ offense or stalling for time. There is no set determination to initiate the shot clock, it will be administered in the ‘Spirit of the Game’ by the officials. Shots must hit the goal or goalie to get a 30-second count off. Running count and shots not on goal or out of bounds still count toward the 30-second runoff. “Possession shots” do NOT affect the official's decision, to put on the 30-second count.

*Fighting will result in an automatic ejection and suspension from the next league game and possible expulsion from the league. Fighting is an automatic 3-minute non-releasable penalty. Anyone leaving the bench or inserting themselves into the fight (3rd man in) will also receive a 3-minute non-releasable, game ejection, and next game suspension. Please talk to game officials before escalation to avoid this situation. Players that get ejected will miss the next game.


13-minute running quarters. Stop/start time in the last 3 minutes of the 4th quarter if the score difference is 3 or less.

The game clock shall start on time regardless if the game is ready to start. (stay on schedule). If a team does not have a minimum of 9 players at the start of the game they will receive a forfeit. Teams may divide up and still play, but it will go down in the scorebook as a 1-0 Win for the team that did not forfeit The game can be started with 9 players and that team will playman down’ until more players arrive or choose to forfeit. This is a Win/Loss league, records count. A team that has 10 or more players playing a team that is ‘man down’ (9 players) does NOT have to take a man off the field.

Timeouts: 1 timeout per half per team, timeout is 1 minute in duration and officials will stop the clock on timeout. Timeouts can be called anywhere on the field.

1:00 minute between quarters

Halftime will be 2 minutes

Overtime is sudden death until a winner is determined (goal scored) 30-second breaks after regulation, no side change. No timeouts in overtime.

Clearing counts – 20 to get over midline, after 20 seconds over and back is in effect

5 Poles Maximum at all times

Points of emphasis

Defenseless Player: There shall be no body checking at any level on a player in a defenseless position. This includes but is not limited to:

(i) body checking a player from his “blind side”;

(ii) body checking a player who has his head down in an attempt to play a loose ball;

(iii) body checking a player whose head is turned away to receive a pass, even if that player turns toward the contact immediately before the body check.

NOTE: Sports medicine research indicates that the severity of certain injuries may be reduced if a player can anticipate and prepare himself for an oncoming hit. Game officials should be especially alert to blind side checks.

Body checking is allowed, but at the official's discretion, a player may receive a penalty for using excessive or unnecessary force to deliver a hit or blow. Any hit to the head or neck area will be an automatic 1-minute non-releasable penalty.

No Excessive Body Checks (“Takeout Checks”) are permitted.

Excessive Body Checks/”Takeout Checks” include, but are not limited to, contact such as the following:

Anybody checks considered more aggressive or more physical than necessary to stop the advancement of the player carrying the ball or to keep or move a player away from a loose ball.

This includes, but is not limited to:

(i) Any check-in which a player makes contact with sufficient force and perceived intent to knock down the opposing player;

(ii) Any check-in in which a player makes contact with sufficient force and perceived intent to injure the opposing player


Any check that is meant todeliver a blow’ or uses excessive force regardless of contact with the stick or gloves will be a 1-minute penalty. A severe slashing penalty can be up to a 2-minute non-releasable penalty.

Maligning an official:

Anyone officially connected with a team or any player who maligns an official shall receive an unsportsmanlike conduct foul for which the penalty time is non-releasable. 1-3 minutes at the officials' discretion. A player may also receive a ‘game misconduct’ and be asked to leave the field immediately. This will also result in that player being suspended for the next game. A team may also receive a ‘forfeit’ if the officials deem a team’s bench conduct is inappropriate.